Linkers Ox

Track, monitor, and Automate your operational assets!

Monitor machines operations by configuring maintenance triggers and automating tickets issuing. Use triggers to monitors instant incidents for usual consumptions of different utilities (energy, water or gas) or sudden changes in operating assets.

Benefits of Linkers Ox

Rely on your machines with Linkers Ox. Monitor machines operations by configuring maintenance triggers and automating tickets issuing. Use triggers to monitors instant incidents for usual consumptions of different utilities.

To have effecient business operations, you need good intelligence – and that’s what Linkers Ox provide. Accurate and reliable data on:

Real-time operational assets monitoring

Real-time notifications in case of unusual consumption

Real-time team collaboration

Automate operations actions

Operational assets consumption rate

Operations historical trends analysis

Compare measurements between machines and branches

Monitoring different utilities (Energy, gas, water)

See how efficient you can be with Linkers Ox

Use Case Scenarios

Linkers Ox can be used in a huge range of applications. Learn more about the benefits and our solution can bring.


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Shopping Malls

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linkers cloud platform

Track everything you need with Linkers Cloud platforms

Track everything you need anywhere, anytime in a single cloud platform. Add users with two different user levels and customize their access. Multiple branches are segmented by location or area for a better user interface and easier comparison between sites.

Know your operational consumption trends!

Linkers Ox gives the user increased visibility into consumption trends to single or multiple sites, allowing comparison between types of assets or locations (branches), energy consumption, and costs. Users can have automated measures and notifications of energy supply by detection of abnormalities and dangerous operation of electric appliances.