Linkers Success Stories

Go through our partners success stories to see the real impact of people counting technology. 

MAZ holding success story

Max Holding Success Story:

How Maz Holding Managed Multiple Branches Performance Through Linkers Insights!

Alessa success story people counter Linkers

Alessa Success Story:

16% increase in Alessa stores visitors with data-driven marketing decisions!

galimard people counting success story with linkers

Galimard Success Story:

How Galimard visitors count increased 60% by making data driven marketing decisions!

eddy people counting success story with linkers

EDDY Success Story:

How Data-driven decisions improved EDDY’s marketing & Operations strategies 3 times more!

sleep nice people counting success story with linkers

Sleep Nice Success Story:

How Measured marketing activities increased visitors by 120% and customers loyalty by 10%!